Level 4 Scoring
Advanced Scoring and Statistics for State and National Championship Statisticians
Approximately 16 hours.
Target Audience
State and national level scorers who have obtained Level 3 accreditation, and scored successfully at that level for at least twelve months.
Level 4 accreditation is a requirement for acting as an official statistician at Australian National Fastpitch Championships. The assessment includes scoring of two regulation 7 inning games, combined with compilation of all extensions and statistics. Examination games are assessed by the NSC marking sub-committee.
Topics Covered
- Duties of an official statistician
- Softball rules exam for scorers
- Rules review
- Recent scoring changes
- The official scoresheet
- Extending a pre-scored game
- Attending a national championships
- Statistics and analysis
- Batting and pitching charting
The Level 4 manual is currently undergoing revision and will be uploaded when available.