Performance Analysis
Use of photo and video analysis is widely used in the development of umpires in NSW. This type of analysis provides umpires with the opportunity to ‘see’ exactly what they’re doing on the diamond and in training, rather than relying on them to merely ‘believe’ what they are being told.
Here is a handy how-to guide for video/photo analysis. It's easy to get started all you need is a still camera or video camera (even your phone or iPad will do). And best of all, you can do it in your own Association.
1. Great method for self-evaluation,
2. Help train other umpires,
3. Confirm good practices and identify areas for improvement,
4. Monitor progress over time, by comparing footage from game to game.
There are three suggested camera angles that will provide you with the best possible visual feedback of your umpiring:
Position 1: Homerun Fence: Good to capture entire field to show rotations and positioning.
Position 2: Behind home plate: Good to review Plate Umpire routines, positioning and strike zone accuracy.
Position 3: To the side of home plate (90 degrees): Good to review Plate Mechanics, particularly distance from catcher and head height of stance and strike zone accuracy (height only)
Keep in mind that the quality of your tools will impact on the quality of the video or photos being captured. Mobile phones or tablets work well around the home plate, and video cameras with zoom functions work best at the homerun fence. It is recommended to have a friend or family member monitor your camera(s) for security purposes.