Dynamic Warm Up - Jason Voncina
To prepare for a game or training, traditionally coaches have warmed up their teams by using a lap around the outfield & static stretches, along with fielding, throwing, and hitting practice.
The traditional warm-up for a game takes an hour or more and uses most of the diamond & outfield.
Now we all know as coaches, not all of our athletes turn up on time before a game or training.
Because of this, many players fail to warm up properly before games/ hindering performance and increase the chances of injury.
Benefits of Dynamic Warm-ups
By using dynamic warm-up routines and exercises, players can be ready to take the field for specific softball activities, such as throwing or batting more efficiently & effectively.
Dynamic Warm Up
* Gradually prepares the muscles for Softball-specific movements.
* Decreases the chance of injury while enhancing strength, flexibility, and power.
* Increases motor unit recruitment and synchronization, whereas static stretching decreases motor unit function.
Dynamic Softball Warm-Up Exercises and Stretches
Below is a list of Dynamic warm up I use with all of my teams & athletes after they have completed a team jog twice around the outfield & completed their static stretches.
Use these warm ups to get your team ready and properly stretched, so they can take the diamond ready to play at their best from the first pitch & have a much lower risk of injury.
Please note one rep for each drill below on game day & 2 reps on training days.
The three cone Dynamic Warm Up
Set Up: Place three cones in a straight line in the outfield, 30 feet apart. I use the distance between first & second base, placing the 1st cone on the foul ball line, 2nd cone in between 1st & 2nd base & finally the 3rd cone in line with 2nd base.
High Knee’s (athletes jog with high knees to the 2nd cone & then sprint through to the last cone.
Butt kick’s (athletes jog while trying to hit their butt’s with their heals to the 2nd cone & then sprint through to the last cone)
High knee lunges (athletes raise their knees to their chest to the 2nd cone then sprint through to the last cone)
Karaoke’s (athletes karaoke up to the 2nd cone the sprint through to the last cone. Note athletes are facing the diamond the first rep, then the outfield the 2nd rep)
Up Back Up’s (athletes sprint to the 2nd cone, backpedal to the 1st cone & then sprint through to the last cone)
Box Cone Drill
Set up: Place four cones 10 feet apart in the shape of a box
The athletes start at one corner of the box, sprint to the opposite corner cone, side shuffle to the diagonal corner cone, then sprint through the opposite corner.
W Cone Drill
Set up: Place five cones 20 feet apart, making the shape of a W
Athletes sprint to the 2nd cone, backpedal to the 3rd cone, sprint to the 4th cone & then backpedal through the last cone.